ABOD’s 5 Most Anticipated games of 2018

While the year is well under way, and there have already been a few great titles released, there's still plenty of great games on the way.  So why don't we take a look at 5 of the biggest ones still to come in 2018.

5. Sea of Thieves (Xbox One) -  The beta and other pre-release game play has been a double edge sword for this hotly anticipated title; it has invoked excitement in a lot of gamers, but has raised many questions in others.  While more and more information has been slowly trickling out of Rare, especially regarding their plan for the endgame, not much is known on how this game will evolve.  What we do know is that the cooperative play is fantastic and a lot of fun, but will it have the legs to keep us coming back?  Hopefully the fact the game has omitted AI characters and the world will be populated entirely by other players will add a uniquely dynamic feeling to the gameplay.  The game is basically a mini MMO despite Rare’s reluctance to label it as such; while MMOs can be terrific, they can be hindered greatly by their player base.  Although the beta access has been very popular, only time will tell what the fall off is after launch.  Here's hoping this game will be a return to form for Rare. 

4. Far Cry 5 (Multi-Platform) -  For the next installment in the popular Ubisoft franchise, we are taking a trip to Montana which may come as a much-needed change of locale from previous entries.  While the exotic locations were a great start for the franchise, it will be interesting to see how the game handles more domestic and well-known environments.  While the formula seems to work for many fans of the series, this might be the franchise's last foray into common grounds before re-hauling the game ala Assassin’s Creed: Origins.  One thing is for sure, Far Cry will bring its own special brand of chaos when it drops later this year.

3. Spiderman (PS4) -  It’s been far too long since we’ve had a great Spider-Man game, and this is shaping to be the game we deserve.  My issues with the style of the suit aside, everything I’ve seen about this game makes me very excited.  The game and of course its developers seem to understand what makes a hero and more importantly what makes Peter Parker who he is; the game comes with moments where Peter Parker must make tough choices and exercise the now cliché “great responsibility”. Likewise, the game understands that Peter Parker is a huge part of Spiderman’s identity and vice versa making it as much a game of Peter's life as Spider-Man's adventures.  The game is gorgeous and joy to simply look at, the gameplay is fast and fluid and the quick time events (which I have never been a huge fan of) seem done right and not overly used.  Even more important than how great the fighting feels, is the web slinging, which isn’t just arbitrarily shooting into a void but rather attaching to buildings.  Looks like our friendly neighborhood Spider-Man is back!

2. God of War (PS4) -  After 7 games with Kratos, all set in Greece, God of War began to feel stagnant to say the least.   How do we freshen up this franchise?  Easy.  We give him a son, and send him to fight Norse Gods instead; also we make players more sympathetic towards Kratos than ever before.  While the core mechanics and fighting of the God of War games has been top-notch, I have always personally found it hard to connect with the game or care about the characters; I always played them for the mere spectacle of the action scenes. This seems to be a concern with the developers as they bring a marque franchise to a new generation, not just of consoles, but also players.  One of developers was quoted as saying, “We’ve already told the story of the Hulk.  We want to tell the story of Banner now,” which I think is what we all want as an audience by now.  From the brief demo we saw at E3, it was easy to see the relationship between Kratos and his son will be at the very heart and essence of this game and I think that’s something we should be excited for.   This is basically God of War meets the Last of Us and that’s a bold statement  that I’m very anxious to see develop to fruition. 

1. Red Dead Redemption 2 (Multi-Platform) -  This list simply wouldn’t be complete without RDR2 being on it.  Rockstar did an amazing job since acquiring this title and transformed it from the mediocre Red Dead Revolver to the fantastic Red Dead Redemption and threw in Undead Nightmare just to really put it over the top.  While not much is known at all about this game outside a set of trailers, one thing we know for sure is that Rockstar never lets us down.   GTA5 continues to receive support from them and was ground breaking when it released, what now, feels like a lifetime ago.  In true Rockstar fashion I wouldn't expect to know more about the game until much closer to launch, but as always, I’m prepared to be blown away. 

Honorable Mention: Pokemon (Switch) -  Literally nothing is known about this game other that Nintendo has confirmed it will be out in 2018 and that it is the first proper console entry for the Pokemon series.  Judge me all you want but I will gladly be the grown man playing Pokemon on my commute to work.

Make sure to sound off in the comments and let us know what you most anticipated game is!


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