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ABOD’s 5 Most Anticipated games of 2018

While the year is well under way, and there have already been a few great titles released, there's still plenty of great games on the way.  So why don't we take a look at 5 of the biggest ones still to come in 2018. 5.   Sea of Thieves (Xbox One) -   The beta and other pre-release game play has been a double edge sword for this hotly anticipated title; it has invoked excitement in a lot of gamers, but has raised many questions in others.   While more and more information has been slowly trickling out of Rare, especially regarding their plan for the endgame, not much is known on how this game will evolve.   What we do know is that the cooperative play is fantastic and a lot of fun, but will it have the legs to keep us coming back?   Hopefully the fact the game has omitted AI characters and the world will be populated entirely by other players will add a uniquely dynamic feeling to the gameplay.   The game is basically a mini MMO despite Rare’s reluctance to label

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